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June 23, 2022

Add emojis in After Effects with EmojiKit

You can now add emojis directly into After Effects with EmojiKit. 🎉

Breton Brander and I teamed up to build this powerful After Effects script that lets you add emojis to any After Effects composition with one click.

As of launch, EmojiKit features over 50 emojis. We plan to continually add more emojis over time, and future updates will be free. 💸

Custom animation

Each emoji comes fully animated in a short, seamless loop. And it’s easy to customize how you want the emoji to play.

Play it once

Play the animation once and have stop upon completion. You can adjust the start time by repositioning the start marker on the emoji layer.

Loop the animation

By default, each animation will seamless loop indefinitely. You can extend the beginning on the layer to delay the animation start time.

Boomerang the animation

Similar to looping, you can boomerang the animation so that it plays forward, then backward, then forward, then back, and so forth.

Set static emoji

If you don’t want the animation to animate at all you set the animation to be completely static. Of course, you can then animate the static emoji however you want.

100% shape layers

Each emoji and animation is made from 100% shape layers. This means you can scale to any size and it won’t lose quality.

Shape layers also help to keep your After Effects project nice and clean. No need to import files. You can even hand off an After Effects project to someone who doesn’t have EmojiKit and everything will work fine.

And since every animation is made with shape and 0 effects, each EmojiKit animation is also Lottie compatible. Meaning each animated emoji can smoothly play at any resolution on the web.

Get EmojiKit today

Even if you just use one animation in one project, we’re confident EmojiKit will pay for itself.

Try a limited version or purchase a license for $39.

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