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January 26, 2022

Create a responsive browser inside After Effects

The Browser UI Template is an After Effects template that lets you quickly add your design and animate a fully responsive web browser inside After Effects.

How it works

Step 1 - Set Width & Height

In the BROWER UI comp, select the BROWSER layer. Under the Browser Controls effect you can set the width and height of the browser window. These will set the size of the full browser window in pixels. Both of these settings can be key-framed.

As you change the size of the browser, you’ll notice the “View Size” text change as well. This indicates the dimensions of the CONTENT comp that are visible from the BROWSER comp. This text is designed as a placeholder to help you properly resize the CONTENT comp to fit perfectly within the browser.

Step 2 - Adjust Content Settings

Next, in the Browser Controls, you will see the following Content Settings:


This sets the distance (as a percentage) the content is scrolled in the browser window and controls the scroll bar (if visible).

In order for this to have any effect, the CONTENT comp’s height must be larger than the “View Size” height AND the Vertical Constraints effect must be set to Top.

Horizontal Constraints

This will constrain the CONTENT comp to the left, center, or right of the browser.

Vertical Constraints

This will constrain the CONTENT comp to the top, center, or bottom of the browser.

Hide Scroll Bar

This hides the scroll bar on the right side of the screen.

The scroll bar will automatically be hidden if the CONTENT comp’s height is not greater than the “View Size” height OR if the Horizontal and Vertical Constraints are anything other than Left, Top.

Step 3 - Change URL Text

Double click on the URL text layer. Here you can freely change the text and the adjacent lock symbol will automatically remain in the correct position.

Step 4 - Add Content

Open the CONTENT comp.

Depending on the size of your content and dimensions of the “View Size,” you may want to change the dimensions of the CONTENT comp (Composition > Composition Settings). Keep in mind that you can extend your content vertically beyond the “View Size” by using the Scroll effect mentioned earlier.

With your comp size set, you may add the content to the actual page.

You can delete the View Size layer.

You can change the fill color of the BACKGROUND layer or just delete the layer.

Step 5 - Adjust Scale, Scroll, & Shadow (optional)

Back in the BROWSER UI comp you should now see your content displayed in the Browser.

You can adjust the scale of the BROWSER layer. This will automatically scale everything while maintaining the existing proportions.

If your CONTENT height is tall enough, you can keyframe the Scroll %.

You can adjust the shadow of the actual Browser window under Browser Controls > Shadow Settings.

Get Browser UI Template

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